ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Under both federal and state law, all students enrolled in K-12 grades and identified as English Learners must participate in the annual English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS 2.0 for ELLs.
All students who have been identified as English Learners, regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in an LIEP, must participate in the ACCESS 2.0 assessment.
This assessment usually takes place in February and March. For additional information on this assessment, please see the statewide testing page on the Minnesota Department of Education’s website.
A student must remain identified as an English learner until the student has met the exit requirement.
Initial ACCESS score results for ELs are typically available to districts in May on the Minnesota Department of Education’s website under secure reports or secure reports Section/site.
The results of the ACCESS 2.0 assessment guide the EL team to determine if a student continues to be EL eligible.
After a student is placed in the Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP), districts must annually identify students who continue to be eligible for English language instruction.
Opting-Out of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
As with any state-wide testing parents/guardians of English Learners may choose for their students to opt-out of ACCESS for ELLs testing.
If parents/guardians choose for their students to opt-out of ACCESS for ELLs testing, they must complete this opt-out form on a yearly basis.
Important: If a student does not participate in the ACCESS for ELLs, the student cannot be considered to have met the proficiency requirement for exiting the EL identification.
Continuation of EL Services
Once all ACCESS scores are available, District 191 begins to evaluate every EL’s ACCESS scores to determine continuing program eligibility.
EL Teachers & District staff first examine students’ composite scores on ACCESS.
If a student's overall composite score is not at least 4.5 on ACCESS, the student does not meet the definition of English language proficient and is, therefore, automatically eligible for continuing ELD instruction and must be enrolled in the LIEP in the following school year.
If a student's overall composite score is 4.5 or above on ACCESS, the student may or may not be eligible for continuing ELD instruction. District 191 looks at the individual domain scores of ACCESS to make one of the three following determinations:
1. If a student has at least two individual domain scores (listening, speaking, reading, or writing) that are below 3.5, the student is automatically eligible for ELD instruction and must be enrolled in ELD instruction in the following school year.
2. If a student has all of the domains equal to or greater than 3.5 and has a composite score of 4.5 or higher, the student is considered to be proficient, is no longer eligible for enrollment in the LIEP, and must not be enrolled in ELD instruction in the following school year.
3. If a student has at least three out of four domain scores equal to or greater than 3.5 and a composite score of 4.5 or higher, EL Teachers or other staff of ISD 191 use additional criteria to determine continuing eligibility for EL services. If the student continues to be eligible for participation in the LIEP, in the following year the student must be enrolled in the LIEP and continue to receive ELD instruction.
Continuing Eligibility Parent Notification
Every year, District 191 notifies parents/guardians of students continuing with EL services within 30 calendar days of enrollment in the LIEP. This parent notification letter, written in a language that is accessible to the parent/guardian, is sent via US Mail during the month of September, accompanied by the student's Individual ACCESS report (if available), and a description of the district LIEP. The letter informs the parents/guardians that they have the right to visit the program, request a conference to understand the program, and withdraw the child from EL Services at any time.