School Meals
School meals keep kids healthy and ready to learn. We offer breakfast, lunch for all students, and a variety of snack programs during and after the school day. School meals offer students:
- Age-appropriate calorie limits and portion sizes
- Daily servings of vegetables and fruits (students must take at least one 1/2 cup serving of fruit or vegetables with their lunch meal; and at least 1/2 cup juice or fruit with breakfast)
- Wide variety of vegetables, including dark green and red/orange vegetables and legumes
- Selections of fresh, frozen and canned fruits at every meal
- White or flavored fat-free milk or 1% milk
- Whole grain rich breads and grains
- Lean proteins from meat and non-meat sources (cheese, eggs, nuts and seeds)
- Foods low in sodium and with limited amounts of saturated fat
We encourage students to be adventurous eaters and to try new foods, and try them often as taste buds change over time. We are always working to offer students healthier and tastier choices. School meals are a great value and a huge convenience for busy families.
We partner with MealViewer, a mobile menus app, to digitize menus, where parents and students may easily view information about what is served each day. Images, descriptions of foods and beverages, allergens and nutrient information can also be viewed.