District Policies
State statutes grant Minnesota school boards with specific and implied authority to govern and manage their local schools. Board policies are the means by which local school boards discharge their legislated responsibilities and decision making authority to maintain fundamental control over all aspects of the school system. The ISD 191 policy manual contains policies that are specifically required by Minnesota statutes and those policies that have been developed and adopted by the Board to ensure its statutory responsibilities and duties are carried out consistently.
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A primary principle of this nation is that the public welfare demands an educated and informed citizenry. The power to provide for public education is a state function vested in the state legislature and delegated to local school districts. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the legal status of the school district.
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The purpose of this policy is to clarify the name of the school district.
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The purpose of this policy is to ensure that equal educational opportunity is provided for all students of the school district.
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The school district takes seriously all concerns or complaints by students, employees, parents or other persons. If a specific complaint procedure is provided within any other policy of the school district, negotiated agreement, or Terms and Conditions of Employment, the specific procedure shall be followed in reference to such a complaint. If a specific complaint procedure is not provided, the purpose of this policy is to provide a procedure that may be used.
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Complaint/Concern Intake Form for Parents and Students
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The following guidelines should be followed when a complaint or concern is voiced. The goal should be to resolve conflict at the lowest intervention level possible, but do not hesitate to follow the entire process if necessary. It is always wise to keep the administrator aware of any conflicts that are being handled in your building or program, no matter at what level the intervention is currently proceeding.
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The purpose of this policy is to establish a clear statement of the purpose for which Independent School District 191 exists.
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The purpose of this policy is to ensure that educational equity, access and excellence is provided for each learner. Each of the school district’s students deserves respectful learning environments in which the student’s identity and background is valued and contributes to successful academic outcomes for all students.
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The care, management, and control of the schools is vested by statutory and constitutional authority in the school board. The school board shall carry out the mission of the school district with diligence, prudence, and dedication to the ideals of providing the finest public education. The purpose of this policy is to define the authority, duties, and powers of the school board in carrying out its mission.
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School board officers are charged with the duty of carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to them for the care, management, and control of the public schools of the school district. The purpose of this policy is to delineate those responsibilities.