All employee bargaining groups’ contracts continue through June 30, 2023. The district will negotiate new contracts with those groups for the 2023-2025 term.
In the interests of transparency, the Board of Education is sharing its guiding values for negotiations and will post proposals that are exchanged at negotiation sessions, which are public meetings under state law.
Scroll down to see the current status of negotiations for all employee groups.
Guiding Values
As the district works to negotiate new contracts with each employee group, it will follow these guiding values, which stem from the district’s mission of Each Student. Future Ready. Community Strong.
Employee Groups
As negotiations meetings occur, proposals from both District 191 and each employee bargaining group will be listed below.
- Burnsville Education Association
- Districtwide Administrators
- Burnsville Principals Association
- Clerical Employees
- Custodial Employees
- Educational Assistants
- Food Service Employees
- Information Technology Specialists
- Board Policies
Burnsville Education Association
Districtwide Administrators
Burnsville Principals Association
Clerical Employees
Custodial Employees
Educational Assistants
Food Service Employees
Information Technology Specialists
Board Policies