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Tea with Dr. T: Budget presentation, feedback opportunity set for April 17

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Tea with Dr. T: Budget presentation, feedback opportunity set for April 17


tea with dr. t

Members of the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 community are invited to review and provide feedback on the district’s initial budget proposal for the 2024-25 school year. A public presentation is scheduled for April 17 at 6 p.m. at Diamondhead Education Center, 200 W. Burnsville Pkwy. in Burnsville.

In presenting the initial proposal, Superintendent Dr. Theresa Battle noted several factors that are having a major influence on the district’s financial outlook, including higher than typical inflation, the loss of $8.5 million in federal pandemic aid and an expected decline in enrollment. In response, the proposed budget includes $2.4 million in reductions and the use of $3.2 million from the district’s unassigned fund balance, which is basically the district’s savings account.

Highlights of the proposed budget include:

  • Maintain class sizes
  • Add 4.6 English Language (EL) teacher positions to support an increase in multilingual students
  • Keep 9 elementary classroom teachers using restricted funds
  • Add 2.8 middle school teaching positions using restricted funds
  • Add boys’ high school volleyball
  • Using restricted funds, maintain several positions previously paid for by pandemic aid funds, 2 including middle school math interventionists, 2 high school credit recovery teachers, 7.7 elementary educational assistants, 2 districtwide cultural liaisons, and others

Community members can see details and also provide feedback on the proposed budget at

The District 191 Board of Education will review feedback and consider adjustments at a meeting later this spring. The budget will officially be adopted in June. 

  • Finance
  • Superintendent's Column
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