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Survey: District 191 gets high marks from parents, community members

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Survey: District 191 gets high marks from parents, community members

Ninety-two percent of parents and 90 percent of community members are proud of Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 schools, according to a community survey conducted by The Morris Leatherman Company. 

The survey, which was conducted by phone in February, asked the opinions of community members and parents on issues related to academics, decision making, safety, values and culture. 

District 191 continued to receive high marks from parents about their children’s education experiences. Ninety-eight percent said their family feels welcome at school, 96 percent said their child’s learning is preparing them for the next level, 94 percent said their child is treated fairly, and 93 percent said they believe their child attends school in a safe, secure learning environment.

“I’m pleased to see the overwhelming satisfaction expressed by our parents in the recent survey,” Superintendent Dr. Theresa Battle said. “It’s a testament to the dedication of our educators, staff and the collaborative efforts within our community. We value this feedback and remain committed to building a school environment where every child thrives and every family feels supported.”

Among the notable survey results are:

  • 83 percent of community members said the quality of education provided in District 191 is excellent or good;
  • The percentage who believe the schools provide a safe, secure learning environment increased from 84 to 88 percent compared to 2022;
  • 85 percent said the performance of teachers is excellent or good;
  • 89 percent said District 191 meets the learning needs of all or most students, up 11 percent from seven years ago;
  • 86 percent say they trust the School Board and district administration to do what's right for students;
  • 85 percent said the district does a good job involving parents, residents and community members in its decision making, up 13 points from seven years ago;
  • 75 percent rated the job performance of the superintendent and administrators as excellent or good, up 14 percent from five years ago. 

When asked how the quality of education provided by District 191 had changed in the past five years, 41 percent of community members said the quality of education in One91 schools is somewhat or much better than five years ago, up 31 points from when the same question was asked five years ago. 

“It’s encouraging to see that the majority of our community members feel good about our schools and believe we’re heading in the right direction,” Dr. Battle said. “These results show we have every reason to be proud of the work we’re doing for families and students in One91.”

In combination with informal feedback and community input opportunities, survey results will help the district evaluate how students and families are experiencing District 191 schools The survey also asked about communication and engagement issues, which will help the district make decisions about how best to keep families and community members informed and involved.

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