District 191 receives recognition for work creating strong school communities
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District 191 has been recognized as a 2021 Sustaining Exemplar Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) District through the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).
To be identified for PBIS recognition, districts must demonstrate capacity for coordination, training, coaching and evaluation to support schools in their district to implement SW-PBIS.
“We are so proud of the work that our administrators, PBIS coaches, and all staff in our buildings have done to support PBIS,” said Kelly Czapar, District 191 Behavior Analyst. “Their work, passion, and dedication surrounding One91 students in this ever-changing year is incredible!”
One91 will be celebrated in a virtual ceremony to honor its PBIS Sustainability efforts. The ceremony will be held during the PBIS Summer Institute on June 17.
PBIS is an approach where schools use evidence-based practices to enhance academic and social outcomes for all students. It helps establish clear expectations, common language and practices, and systems of positive feedback to develop a strong school community.
To be identified as a Sustaining Exemplar School, schools need to have completed training and demonstrate continued implementation of school-wide PBIS with fidelity.
For more information on PBIS Sustaining Exemplar Recognition Schools, visit http://pbismn.org/statewide/sustaining-exemplar-schools.php
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